Top 100 Design Blogs To Follow In 2013 [Infographic]

In below Infographic, you can view top 100 design blogs, If you’re a designer or a design lover then you should follow all of the below design blogs.


An infographic by the team at CouponAudit


About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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  1. I realize that ticket is .com or net domain-wrong. Second you omitted Terry White and Mordy. You omitted Smashing Magazine, I can not believe.

  2. How come that our design blog is not included here? 😛

    If the basis is Alexa Rank, Designrshub must be rank 13 🙂
    (With Alexa Rank of 31, 359 as of today.)

    And oh, where’s Smashing Magazine, Speckyboy and Sixrevision? And other many MORE popular design blogs…

  3. Thanks for putting the list together. I follow most of these blogs, but discovered a few new ones. However, this post would be better if you actually listed all blogs in a post and linked to them. Just a thought.

  4. “These are some unique Top 100 list ! I just came across your blog and I’m your newest follower 🙂 “. Congrats !

  5. Great post. I want to say just thank you. It will be very useful for starting graphic designers like me.