The Dilemma of Underpaid Advertising Design

Outsourcing design jobs is well embraced during this era. This is one way to cost-cut and to have a better result where in a certain advertiser can choose from the pool of talented designer worldwide. But what happen when the client take the freelancer as the least important from the whole project? Some says that they will no longer continue the project and dump those client from hell, others also gives what is worth based from payment received.

Kode Logic came up with a campaign entitled Underpaid, Undermade where in it shows how  advertising design are supposed to be done when designers are taken for granted.

Who is Logic

Graphic artist from Melbourne,  Australia. First started drawing when he was 6 years old, still has not taken the pen out of his hand. After transferring his skills to a digital platform Kode was able to expose his work to a wider audience a move that came with great success.

Kode is still learning new skills along the way and being taught many different styles from many talented teachers.

Kode Has his own style of visual stories though his thirst for knowledge is something that never goes away so he keeps challenging himself and build the building blocks to get where he needs to be.


About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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  1. Thank you so much for the post, via @bosslogic

  2. The artworks and the concept are great. But only one problem: There should be no apostrophe on the word “Artists”

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