Incredible Typography Design Made by Peter Tarka

Today, we are going to show you a typography design that incredibly stands out from the rest of designs out there.  The following type arrangement will surely be on top of your viewing list since they are crafted to be shiny and colorful.

It was all crafted by Peter Tarka,  a young graphic designer and illustrator from Poland. He has worked as an graphic designer since 2008. His works being featured in many magazines and sites about graphic design (Behance, Abduzeedo, PSDtuts and many many more). Peter sure knows how to deliver a strong creative typographic works.

He has worked for all kinds of companies, Tarka is also member of the Slashthree, Keystone Design Union and Goverdose.

You want more of his work? You can visit his gallery in Behance



About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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  1. I like typography so much! Cool examples!)

  2. Interesting 🙂
    Very creative