Not Sure How to Brand Your Business? Here are 10 Logo Design Trends for 2019

For decades, a logo has been the main form of identification for a company. Regardless, countless businesses have changed their logos to match the changing time. In fact, even the Fortune 500 companies have changed brand’s logo, based on the combination of color psychology and the latest design trends to increase the effectiveness of their logo. Similarly, a company cannot survive by staying the same for decades. Change of times, always calls for new trends.

Whether you own a business or are a new startup, keeping on top of logo trends can greatly help you in figuring out how you can brand your logo.

Semi-Flat Designs

One of the ways to become one of the most-recognized businesses in the industry is to bring a three-dimensional look to your logos design. In 2019, there are several logos that are designed to appear to float on the website page. So far, they have received countless positive reviews from outsiders. One of the reasons is because these kind of logos give an empowered look to the brand.

Graphic designers can utilize the gradient feature to showcase a three-dimensional look. The best part about this is that it makes your brand look modern and up-to-date.

Old-School Gradient

Gradient is an undying trend in the world of graphic designing. Ever since Instagram added a more gradient touch to its logo design, other companies have also started to apply this design to their logos.

Geometric Designs

When it comes to graphic designing, shapes play an important role that can help communicate various meanings. For instance, geometric shapes such as triangles, squares and circles show efficiency, while curved and continuous edges showcase ease and relaxation. Both are positive aspects to add in the business logo.

The Minimalist

The minimalistic style has been quite trendy for some time now. Mainly because it makes the logo design look simplistic, clean and impressive in front of the audience. Currently, a lot of companies are trying to get the minimalistic look for their logos – big or small sizes. These kind of logos go well with all types of marketing ideas and designs.

With a combination of geometric and minimalist style, companies can get an elegant and simple, yet a witty conceptual logo design.

Artistic Doodles

Perhaps it is every artists’ dream to get a project that allows them to show off their creativity. Lucky for them, the 2019 logo design trend includes artistic logo illustrations that do wonders if you are a company that sells food items. These can range from wine to other cooking materials.

However, there are some important rules that artists must follow when trying to produce an artistic logo. First of all, the logo must be readable. The second is that the choice of colors must be according to what message the brand is trying to give out. Lastly, any specific requirements that the brand asks for, for e.g., infusing the first letter of the brand’s name and designs being limited to a specific style and color.

Illustrations in Logo-typography

Creating logos with a combination of illustration and typography is a great idea for a lot of brands. Although some illustrations may shadow the overall brand message, the goal of this trend is to replaces letters in the logo design that will allow the brand’s message to get highlighted in a creative way.

Creative Typography

Creative typography is one of the major trend-setters of 2019, regardless of it being accompanied by a logo or not. When a brand’s logo is made with this style, it usually includes the full name. The name is always written in a creative, but recognizable manner.

Metallic Designs

Often, metallic designs are associated with a brand that is created for the higher-class society. The metallic effect allows the brand to be shown off in a classic, but attractive way.

Bright Colors

Bright colors always tend to stand out, whether they are in a logo or not. For specific brands, this style can be an audience winning element. Since vibrant colors tend to make a strong statement.

At the End…

While there are lots of other styles that are also in the 2019 trend list for logo designs, these are definitely some of the top and most popular styles that companies should add when designing their logos.

In the future, these logo design trends will be making a big statement. Companies such as Google, Facebook and Instagram have already made their logos more modern and pleasing to the eyes of their consumers. They are also the prime example that with a good logo, there is no need to worry about attracting your target audience. In fact, a well-made logo can convey your brand’s message seamlessly and allow people to remember your brand.

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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