From the Coal to the Diamond

In today’s hyper-connected world, consumers’ decisions are made in the blink of an eye, the drop of a coin, the beat of heart. Brands vie for attention. A cacophony of voices shout, speak, sing and whisper to consumers every second of the day.

A brand can’t wait for a customer to see its virtues and benefits. Consumers can access the lowdown on every brand they meet, and brands must truly get to know their customers.

To get closer to their target audience, hone strategies and create greater visibility, brands must navigate vast quantities of consumer data. But like diamonds waiting to be discovered, precious insights and knowledge can’t be accessed unless we go into the mine – or trust someone else with the know-how, experience and tools to go in for us…


For a quarter of a century, Accesso has been listening to the multiple voices of the media and consumer.  Its 700 (and counting) clients trust the firm to search to the darkest depths of data and extract valuable information – then transform it into tangible insights that can guide brand communications and marketing strategies and illuminate the path to their consumers.


In the seemingly endless and largely misunderstood world of communications analysis, the company’s identity had become scattered and out-dated, so it turned to Morillas Brand Agency to redefine its essence, and reposition it as a market leader.

Acceso’s core values revolve around its ability to tailor services to meet clients needs, its “holistic” approach as a one-stop shop for delivering relevant, vital information, its capacity to innovate, and its reliability.

The company’s tagline was transformed to reflect these values and the brand essence, which rests on three pillars: cutting edge technology, expert staff and state-of-the-art innovation. “Intelligence to be meaningful/shine” sums up Acceso’s essence and highlights its commitment to bringing clients added IQ, which can ensure they stand out in a crowded marketplace.


A new brand philosophy “Shining on brands” puts Acceso’s mission in a nutshell: to act as a guiding, inspirational light for its clients. The story behind this philosophy will be told on the Acceso web, through inspirational text and a short film.

To ensure coherence and consistency, all graphics feature a vibrant use of colour to reflect the living, breathing nature of the Acceso brand and its adaptability to the times and its surroundings, while remaining faithful to its core values. Special use of light harmonizes with the brand philosophy, while positive images featuring real people bring human warmth.

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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