Nine Things That Could Down Your Design Blog

You have been eyeing for success from the time you began blogging. You wanted to have lot of audiences and to make your blog bigger. You would have felt happy when someone left a comment on your blog. When a visitor visited your site, you were happy. You would have definitely been happier when you had millions of visitors on your successful website. Certainly, that’s a good thing. But are you being careful enough for your blog not to disappear just like that?

You definitely wouldn’t want to work hard on your blog just to waste time to see it go down. So, awareness on things that might destroy your design blog should be known. The following twelve essential things that might possibly kill your blog should be known for the creation of a graphic design blog that’s effective:

  1. Irregular posting

    If you stop following a regular schedule for posting, you are going to kill the blog. Previously, you were following twice a week schedule, and now you might be following once in two week schedule or once a month schedule only. Your readers will come to a conclusion that you are not active anymore since nothing new has been posted on your blog when they reach your site. This will lessen the interest of your readers to read your blog.
  2. CopyingEnsure that you always post original. Never copy secretly from blogs of other designers. Originality is important for success. So, if you copy, your blog will be destroyed. Get inspiration but never copy because there is a vast difference between being inspired and copying by what you read.|
  3. Errors

    Your posts should be void of major errors, but minor errors such as spelling, typo erros, and wrong links are not a problem since you can get it right.
  4. Boring and uninteresting posts

    Never choose an uninteresting topic. Readers shouldn’t get bored and so make your posts lively with a good approach. Lullabying your readers can be avoided by integration of humor, views, and call to action.
  5. Long postsLong posts with breaks and valuable images are okay, but never make it just a block of words because nobody will read it. You can make it interesting by dividing it into sections.
  6.  Maze-like navigation

    A good navigation system is very important for attracting readers because if it is not good, they will get lost in the process of reading and will become frustrated.
  7. Wrong titles
    In order to avoid confusion among the readers, post your articles with appropriate titles according to the content. If they don’t get what they want from the article, they will not read your article anymore.
  8.  Sharing options

    Have multiple sharing options instead of having just two. Instead of sharing it through just twitter and facebook share it through google plus, stumble upon, and other accounts too.
  9. Distracting ads

    In order to avoid distraction while reading, limit the ads in your site because the site will look cheap if you have lot of ads. Place the ads in proper place. If you distract your readers, you will have no more readers to read your blog.

Donald Bates is a website designer who loves to share his knowledge and experience with web designers and business owners. He would like to invite you to find out more about south florida web design and also to find out more about south florida seo.

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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