Design Tips for Creating a Good Portfolio Website

Having your own portfolio website would be definitely getting you more exposure to your potential customers. Moreover, a good portfolio website makes you look more committed and professional. Creative people would be requiring a fabulous portfolio. But remember that visitors would be overlooking your competence and the quality and efficiency of your work unless your portfolio website is well-designed. A personal portfolio site is meant purely for your own promotion.

You are promoted as a brand and your name is treated as nothing but a brand name. If you are a professional, maybe a developer, web designer, gamer, writer or some other kind of creative, then it is mandatory for you to come up with a brilliant portfolio site. Your number one goal is to deliver simple user experience and not necessarily a fancy typography or a pretty design.

Here are a few design tips which could immensely enhance any visual portfolio. It hardly matters whether you are a photographer, digital designer, or an artist or for that matter, any other creative, these tips would be equally useful in enhancing your personal website.

Include Thumbnail Galleries

Many experts have a preference for a long thumbnail gallery, instead, of an extensive listing of work. Thumbnails are great for allowing visitors to choose what they actually, wish to see, instead, of being compelled to go on scrolling through videos and embedded images. Thumbnails are known to be adhering to a special grid structure that naturally attracts attention and allows a slight organization to your specific design. If you need a website to showcase your talents, you can contact LasVegasWebDesignCo for web design services.

Come Up with a Creative Design

Your portfolio website has to be unique and totally different from the rest in the niche. It must flaunt a unique, innovative and creative look, not just the corporate look. There exist a number of options when it comes to designing any portfolio website. You could be using plenty of images or you could be opting for a simple and minimalist design but whatever the case, your creativity must be showcased.

Make the Website Easily Navigable

Your portfolio website must be easily navigable so that you do not lose out on even a single client. There is no point in having a wonderful portfolio site if the client is unable to access it effortlessly. In the absence of easy navigation, the client may be tempted to refer to some other designer.

Right Logo Placement

Your logo should be placed right at the top of any portfolio website. A logo is used as your brand identity. It is compulsory for the visitor to see it at the very first glance at your website. The logo should be attractive.

Showcase Your Best Works Only

You must display your best works only. You need not show your entire portfolio. That would be great for making you look highly professional and much more trusted.

Impressive Tagline

You must include a tagline immediately below the logo and navigation. The tagline would be revealing to the clients what you actually do. At the very first glance at your portfolio, the client must become aware of your skills.

Portfolios That Sell

The golden principle of portfolio site designing is that your focus should be on the work you do. Most of the visitors are only interested in seeing what you are able to do. They would not be interested in digging through numerous pages just for locating your portfolio.


If you follow these tips, you would be having no trouble in creating a portfolio which is simple and offers a high-quality display of work.

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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