Web and Graphic

Overwhelming and Stylish Mac Workspace Setup

Having a very relaxing and amusing place to work in is an obvious indirect request from anyone who works in front of their computer all day. The workplace is always a very crucial factor whether a person can attain or exceed their desired production, especially if you are a Mac lover. It is always given that Mac is the sexiest of all. No other things can match its consistency, design and style. But even its stylish feature could be enough to inspire other people; you should always remember that the place you work is a big deal. If you are …

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26 Responsive Photography WordPress Themes

In these days, the internet environment has been a very a great exhibit area for everyone who wants to show their talent in photography. But, for most cases, one of the most common hindrances that gave them the hesitation to start is that, they are not or has no knowledge in making attractive websites. On the contrary, with the invention of WordPress, every person who wants to begin their internet career with photography can now start without being delayed to achieve that daydream to have an eye-catching website. Moreover, with the technology now producing devices like smartphones and tablets, every …

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Working with a Horrible Web Design Client

Business today is driven largely by a company’s presence on the web. When a small business owner asks a web designer for help, the challenges begin for both parties. Most business owners do not know what they want coming in the door. They can point to some sites they like and some they don’t. But, they cannot seem to articulate what they like or don’t like about a given site. On the side of the web designer, dealing with a client who has no real idea of what they want is a challenge. How do you get a client to …

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Grunge Yet Beautiful Business Card Templates

The way and how we build our reputation and presence as a freelancer, individual, business representative and corporate depends on what medium and how it is presented. When we are in a certain social gathering, the first impression in making a leap to stand out from the crowd is a proper introduction and well designed, beautiful and information packed business card. Most individuals prefer for a clean and corporate design when it comes to business card design and we also hear someone saying I want to different, so they opt for the out of the corporate thingy design, they chooses …

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Top Ten Signs That Your Website Is Poorly Designed

Designing a good website is no walk in the park. Indeed many businesses find the task of designing quality websites for their business to be quite daunting. This is due to the fact that most of these businesses lack the experience and the technical know-how needed to come up with a quality website. Any business that chooses to overlook the benefits of a well-designed web page is basically setting its self-up for failure. The following are the top 10 signs your page looks like a newbie designed it; Hard to access content: No visitor to a site will want to …

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Photography Tips – Learn How to Create HDR Images

Ansel Adams put it extremely powerfully when he said, “You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen and the music you have heard.” Perhaps, one can add just a few words in the middle of this wonderful observation about photography and state that one cannot make photograph just with a camera, but one can create breathtaking images with software. This is absolutely true when talking about creating HDR images or High Dynamic Range images. What is an HDR image? As the term implies, this kind of …

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31 CSS Web Design Award Winners for the month of October

Web design have evolved during the past years, every day we see new design ideas and that is why we need to boost also our creativity as web designers to cope up with the trend, but sometimes we come to a certain point that we run out of ideas to put up in crafting websites. During desperate time, its best to at least refresh for a while and browse for creative and winning designs for inspiration. As for my personal experience, when I am in need for design motivation, I always head to CSS Design Awards – is a living …

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6 Ways to Land your First Graphics Design Client

As a newbie in the graphics design business you probably already know that your business is going to be rather worthless without any sort of clients. If you’re just starting out, here are some ways that you can consider in order to land that first design client that will start your freelance business: Set up a portfolio of your best work The most important asset of a graphic designer or any freelancer is the portfolio. It is a sample of what you can do and what the client can expect from you. It identifies you as what kind of graphics …

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12 Groovy Music Website Design for Inspiration

Music is one source of creative inspiration, there are times that we rely on music to boost our creativeness. Music has been a flavor of our daily life, it can be in our home, in our car, office lounge and not to forget our little tiny media player. Somehow, website that are related to music shows creativity and rare approach in design. Here are some website design which I handpicked for your inspiration. tunebow Audiosocket Opéra de Montréal Spectre Agency Snare Drum Studio The Velvet Supernova Jack FM Loud Excess Night Shift Entertainment Next Bendnote Talent Sandro e Sisnande Musique …

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Incredible Typography Design Made by Peter Tarka

Today, we are going to show you a typography design that incredibly stands out from the rest of designs out there.  The following type arrangement will surely be on top of your viewing list since they are crafted to be shiny and colorful. It was all crafted by Peter Tarka,  a young graphic designer and illustrator from Poland. He has worked as an graphic designer since 2008. His works being featured in many magazines and sites about graphic design (Behance, Abduzeedo, PSDtuts and many many more). Peter sure knows how to deliver a strong creative typographic works. He has worked …

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