Web and Graphic

25+ Unique and Creative 2013 Calendar Designs

And so there goes 2012, it’s gone and I know that before the year ended, you might have already collected your usual freebies calendar from your company, favorite store, from friends and relative or from any other sources that hands over a calendar. Did you ever had a unique design from those giveaways?  I bet that you just had those conventional designs and type. So for the creative individuals or for those who just want to refresh and get away with those hanging and flipping printed calendar we sought to see or at least acquire a creative printed dates that …

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How to Choose the Right Set of Colors for a Corporate Logo?

The colors to be used in your business logo must be picked very carefully. This is because colors in a corporate logo are more important than what you have ever imagined. You must remember that the logo of your company is the first object that will catch the attention of your potential and existing customers as they check your company’s marketing materials. The colors used in the logo should enhance the appearance of your product, your business website and corporate stationeries. You should make sure that the logo representing your organization is prominent, but you must also ensure that you …

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Attention-grabbing Photo Manipulation by Christophe Huet

Photo manipulation is one of the best to convey attention-grabbing artwork, this is being used to enhance a simple image and it is now widely applied in advertising or just simply a personal work. The ability of the artist to come up such imagination and lay it on a digital canvas is such a distinct talent. I always wanted to work on photo manipulation where in it requires time, wild imagination and dedication, and not to forget the source of inspiration. This is where the work Christophe Huet comes in to help you start up your manipulation project. So, let us start …

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Why you Shouldn’t Neglect Print Media

There is not a single reason only which lets you go trustworthy and confidential with the print media for your marketing. The entire business world is today moving ahead with the added support of online conjunction however the time is still for you to consider the role of print media more effectively. There are several benefits that none of the platform sin the current world can offer you. It can simply increase the business productivity and bring some sort of flexibility into your infrastructure at the same time. We will find here why it is not the appreciable time to …

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Creative Pine Tree Logo Design to Establish a Distinguish Market Identity

In the world of design and branding, we many times have projects that go for businesses within the same nature industry. If you want to get yourself distinguished from other companies, it is important to have an outstanding logo design. It is a pre-requisite to know how your company logo helps you communicate with others. Your company’s logo is an essence of how your company is perceived. With Christmas festival approaching this month, all businessmen are now planning to blend a pine tree logo with their standard business logo. With competition heating up in the market, it has become very …

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Random Digital Art Inspiration: The Beginning

Today, I am going to start this series of random digital art inspiration, it will be a weekly basis where in you will find in the post the latest creation of those who have the ability, talent and most specially time to dedicate in crafting the top and stunning digital art. Digital art is a general term for a range of artistic works and practices that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative and/or presentation process. Since the 1970s, various names have been used to describe the process including computer art and multimedia art, and digital art …

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Quenching Ad Designs of Tiger Beer

The success of a product depends on the advertising materials that are being used. Advertisement also relies on the creativity and it’s a vital element to get the first impression to its market. Thus, being creative when in terms of promoting a certain product put you ahead in instituting your brand and it will help you stand on top over your rivals. And to give you a great idea on how you can obtain a blast ad, we are going to feature Tiger beer ad designs where it shows awesomeness and it will definitely impress you, since the designs are …

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21 Examples of Minimal Business Card Design

In business, a business card has a special role between two individuals or company.  This card made in hard paper or sometimes wood corresponds on what type of business you have. It is your identity to the business world.  Hence, for you to make a good outward appearance to the world, you should have the most appropriate business card that can surely attract them to be aware of your presence. Many recommend a minimalist design of business card to be the most worth keeping and most efficient. It was concise and simple but in its own terms; it can really …

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20+ Pixel Perfect Food Icon Designs for Inspiration

In web designing, one of the main factors to be able to create a pleasing and eye-catching website is by incorporating your website’s theme with its icons, for example, you want to have a website that tackles anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking or simply, food, then applying pixel perfect food icons would be perfect. Thus, I have provided you these vector icon sets presented below to provide you enough inspiration in order for you to make a website that can surely attract visitors, mostly specific to those who are fond of foods. Furthermore, an icon is not only …

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11 Free PSD Website Themes to Download

Great designers always find a way to stand out from the crowd, may it be a unique work of art or simply sharing the fruit of hard work, providing resources or freebies is one way of being on top. PSD freebies by Michael Reimer has built its reputation when it comes to free psd design resources, it was carefully handcrafter to bring you the best of the freebies you will ever have.  You can find numerous amount of free design stuff online but it’s very hard to find the template which reflects balance between creativity and design trends. And on …

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