5 Best Ways to Build Productive and User Friendly Website

Today, it is very important to have a website, if you are into any services or business. A website, found on network will help to get customers and you will be successful to sell services or products. But, many fail to get the preferred conversion rate. Hence, it is vital to devise website keeping in view the requirement of users. So here are five ideas to make your website productive and user friendly.

 1. Attractive design

To have an attractive website, choose an interface that will look familiar to your target audience. For example, a 2 or 3 column interface is quite common. A nice user interface is also the key to creating a user-friendly (interactive) website. Also, make sure your brand is reflected well in the combination of colors chosen and at the same time the color of the background is in harmony with the chosen font. For specific guidelines on using fonts, see 12 tips on using fonts for a good profitability of your website.

2. Logicaland Intuitive navigation

Your website must be spontaneous and intuitive. This means that it must adhere to established conventions and must behave as users expect. Do not invent your own navigation system. Even if you explain to users how to use it, the majority will not bother to worry about it. If there are too many categories and subcategories, opt for a drop-down menu or megamenu. In this way, users can easily navigate the site and find what they want.

 3. Fast loading time

Visitors are always in a hurry and get impatient if your site is slow. You will be surprised to hear that in the United States, of the 74% of households that have an Internet connection, 6% use the 56k. There are several ways to speed up your website. These “usual” recommendations include compressing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

4. A powerful search engine

If you have many article references, it is essential to provide a search engine in the upper right corner of each page. Visitors use it to save a lot of time. Users make use of search engine and find things which they do not get directly on the website. Hence, the need of powerful search engine.

5. Accessible contact information

Contact information is always a mandatory thing in the website as it builds trust and thus has a significant impact on your website traffic. For example, provide a contact form and a customer service number that is conveniently located in a section accessible on all pages of your website.If possible, provide a physical address and telephone number. With this, the customers can send you queries if any.


The 5 suggestion mentioned above will make your corporate website to achieve more productivity and customers. Customers will start referring your website to their acquaintances which will result in increase in number of visitors to your website. In order to test these ideas, consider regularly performing user tests to validate.

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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