Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

5 PHP Frameworks Suitable For Website Development In 2019

There’s no doubt that the website of a web app is the real hero behind the scenes. It’s the place where most of the coding is done and in order for a web app to be successful, it has to be functional at the website. This does not mean that the task of professionals working at the front end is quite simple. But yes it’s true that in absence of a functional website the web app will nothing more than a failure. PHP is definitely one of the most popular programming languages used by entrepreneurs to develop the website of …

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How to Grow Your Photography Business Online With Digital Marketing and Make it a Huge Brand and A Commercial Success!

Are you someone who’s spent years honing their craft? Is your photography portfolio brimming with creative shots that leave people amazed? If the answer to both of those questions is yes but you still find yourself struggling to get your business seen online, you’re in the right place! According to a study, Google accounted for 91% of site visits in the US in Q3 2017. Considering the online-first world we now live in, this makes it essential that your photography business — or any business for that matter — invest in Digital Marketing. Still not convinced? Google reported that 46% …

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Get a Better Grip on Your WordPress Database

Most out there are not so much bothered about setting up a proper scalable and manageable database while creating a minimal WordPress website for their business. However, over time, it tends to accumulate clutter and end up in chaos. There could be whole tables which are left behind by the plug-ins which you are not using anymore. There could also be expired transients, orphaned user metadata, posts, and many outdated options. Such a WordPress database can only be a headache to you which will have a compromised performance, and it may also make the backup and restoration much difficult. Inspecting …

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A Blog Writer’s Roadmap to Success in 2019

According to a research conducted by Hubspot, blogging is a top priority for 53% of marketers. Another study shows that about 43% of people skim over blog posts without reading the whole thing. 96% of bloggers use social media to promote their content, whereas 64% invest in SEO. While several blogging trends will remain the same in 2019, many will also change.  So how will all of this impact your blog? How can you set it up for success? Let’s devise a road map to ensure that you generate the required ROI levels through blogging. Begin with Great Content This …

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7 Magical 2D Animation Tips For Beginners!

Passion can take you places but its practice that adds excellence and as a beginner, there are multiple things that you have to look out for. As time is progressing so is the demand for better quality of work and that makes the job for animators and various other professions quite demanding. If you have been looking for the dos and don’ts as an animator who has just begun then you are at the right place. Where software and skills do count here’s a roundup of all the techniques that you will find helpful in the course of designing and …

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10 Web Design Trends Can’t Hide In 2019

Designers always seem worried about the trends. On the one hand, going same as others do feels wrong after all, isn’t creativity doing anything but what else everyone is doing? Thinking in that way, the on; ly important thing to keep in mind is what is in the trend. You can never do the opposite of the trends. In the past few years, web design trends have shifted to creativity significantly. Technology has become more advanced which led websites to integrate smarter, machine learning and subtle interaction tools. These shifts have changed design trends. In 2019, we will see two …

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Strong reasons Why Angular is the Best Framework

Angular is accepted for developing robust and labile Single Page Applications (SPA). The application structure is developed in JavaScript and uses markup language as a guide language. It provides an alternate platform for the developers to create client-side applications. Angular may be a framework developed and maintained by Google that produces it an assured and dependable code base to work on. Based on our expertise, we have noted down the reasons to decide on angular for web application development. Faster Development Angular contains many prepared tools and components which will reduce the development time, jointly in each version unleashed of …

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10 tips of graphic design for the designers

Graphic Designers may have different backgrounds. some might take professional training of graphic designing while others tried to learn it from themselves. If you are the new graphic designer and need some tips to enhance your graphic designing skills, then you may continue to read. Here is a list of 10 tips as well as relevant resources to assist you in taking a quick start on your design journey. These tips will be helpful;l to you but it is significant to know that it is up to you to be a brilliant graphic designer you always wanted to be. It …

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The Key Principles to Create an Impressive Design

A designer does his/her best to create a mesmerizing design which going to enhance the traffic and make the website much more functional. The design depends upon the need of a company’s need to create an ever-changing custom layout. Many principles are focused by every designer to come up with the timeless development of a full-fledged design. Understanding the timeless design principles are important, and you can find many tools to go well. From Adobe XD to other fully-functioned tools, the universal UX is designed where functionality is the primary thing considered by everyone. Overall three things are lying in …

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3 Important Tips to Record Better Quality Audio for a Video

All too often people are so focused on recording videos that have excellent quality that they forget that the audio they’re recording is part of the video as well – and its quality matters just as much. In fact it is crucial that you take steps to make sure your audio sounds crisp and clear or it could reflect poorly on your video. If you intend to start recording better quality audio for your video, there are three important tips that you should follow: Find a better microphone to record the audio The fact of the matter is that if …

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