Social networking and online communities are making the world a little smaller each day. As gaining international readers is not difficult for a website in recent times, it is important for web designers to measure the message the websites send out to a potentially wide user base. The use of colors in web design has found a new value with the introduction of flat web design trend. However, it is also vital for web designers to remember that one single color can have different meanings at different corners of the planet. Color associations vary from culture to culture. What a …
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Flat Design & Color Trends – The Next Gen Mobile Web Definition
Flat web design is a rage nowadays! But why is it so popular? The reason lies in its use of simple effects to bring up a design scheme which do not belong to the category of skeuomorphism or do not have 3D attributes. In short, effects like gradients, embossing, bevels and drops shadows are completely removed from flat web design. The appearance of flat design is simple – direct and user-friendly, thus making it a stupendously popular (as well as trendy) option for mobile user interfaces. Of course, going flat has its own set of benefits. The content is straightforward, …
Read More »Monday Freebie: 120 Handwritten Decorative Shapes 01 and other Stuffs
It’s brand new Monday, and as usual we are here to bring you limited free stuff from Creative Market. It has been my routine to check their website every week and look at their free stuff section, if you are in need of design goodies that no single penny is required and have a quality stuff, wander no more, head to their website and start picking up those free goodies This week’s free stuffs; 120 Handwritten Decorative Shapes 01 120 handwritten decorative vector shapes in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop (resizable shapes). Shapes like ribbons, dividers, ornaments and corners.Great for …
Read More »Shooting Musical Theater has a Whole Different Set of Guidelines
To tell a complete story without words is the goal of many photographers. For live music performances, coordinating color, sets, larger than life movement and unpredictable actions takes practice, time, patience and preparation. When shooting musical theater, same rings true, however, you will have the comfort of predictability because every single action, movement, emotion and set change is coordinated and absolute. Know the basics and prepare yourself for your story in pictures — theater addition. Get Permission First, know the rules — what are the performance/venue regulations and how much access do you have? Ask management if you have some …
Read More »15 Innovating Corporate Identity Design Approach
A good company has to have an equally very good corporate identity. Think of it as picking what dress or shoes to buy, your decision will be based on the impression that is relayed to you by a particular brand of shoes or dress. This is where corporate identity comes in, just like the colorful themes of ads in India Imagine going to a fruit stand to buy bananas, naturally, there are many bananas available there because after all, it’s a fruit stand. When picking the bananas that you will buy, there are certain characteristics, color, texture, and even smell that …
Read More »The Adobe Digital Analyst Certification Will Help You Earn More Money
The Adobe Digital Analyst examination is a certifying exam that will prepare an individual to obtain a career working as a Digital Analyst. The examination is only available in the English language. The registration fees that need to be paid to the Pearson VUE center in order to complete the test are included in the course materials. By obtaining the Digital Analyst certification, an individual will prove that they possess the understanding to be able to analyze, identify, as well as present data, allowing them to become an influential part of an organization that is driven by data. With this …
Read More »18 Super Duper Paper Textures
Another useful free stuff from Creative Market – is a platform for handcrafted, mousemade design content from independent creatives around the world. These paper textures mean a lot to me, they form the basis of every single image I produce and I have spent a long time experimenting with them, there really is a rich depth to each paper with flecks of alternate colours that I find adds so much to any project I’m working on. I hope you will love these as much as I do. You will receive 18 high resolution sugar paper textures as well as one more massive …
Read More »A guide of Digital SLR Camera Lenses
If you’ve just picked up a shiny new Digital SLR camera, then you’ve probably had hours of joy tinkering with every button and feature that’s on the thing. The only problem is, now that you’ve found your comfort zone, you’re itching for more. Upgrading your camera with a new high-quality lens is the perfect adrenaline injection to your photographic passion – but where do you begin? There’s a lot of different lenses on the market and they all do different things. Before you buy, get yourself clued up so you know what you’re getting. Zoom lens vs. prime lens Although …
Read More »Flatty UI Kit Very Simple and Very Creative
In web design, we are witnessing a move toward simplicity. We see fewer websites that are over-designed and more are focused on letting the content shine. On the graphical element level, this trend is the “Flat Design”. This means less decorative elements like gradients, reliefs and realistic forms are being used and more flat colors. To help you get started creating your own flat designs, we’ve rounded up some super useful flat UI kit. Flatty UI Kit is a flat design UI Kit which prepared to help some needs of designers & get started to create your own flat designs. …
Read More »The Dilemma of Underpaid Advertising Design
Outsourcing design jobs is well embraced during this era. This is one way to cost-cut and to have a better result where in a certain advertiser can choose from the pool of talented designer worldwide. But what happen when the client take the freelancer as the least important from the whole project? Some says that they will no longer continue the project and dump those client from hell, others also gives what is worth based from payment received. Kode Logic came up with a campaign entitled Underpaid, Undermade where in it shows how advertising design are supposed to be done when designers are …
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