Few days ago when Apple released the iOS 9 update for iDevices, from my point of view, it’s a lot better than iOS 8 because of the new features that make the iPhone and iPad easier to use. Most of the time, the look of iOS evolves at an icy pace: there has been just one really radical visual overhaul in the past eight versions and therefore I expected that iOS 9 to look pretty much the same as iOS 8. After the upgrade, you can’t immediately notice any difference especially in design. Dig deeper and you will find the …
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Why Do Companies Choose Lime Light?
Today’s online marketplace is a competitive one, and companies need to maintain the edge in order to continually gain new customers and increase sales. There are many tools and services that can be utilized to remain competitive and achieve Internet success, from online marketing services to superior website design, to email marketing to social media promotion. However, knowing which tools and services to use can sometimes be a daunting task, especially with new apps and plugins being developed every day. You can take the time to research and utilize many different services based on reviews, but who wants to take …
Read More »Converting MOV to MP4 with the Movavi Video Converter Review
Both MOV and MP4 are both extremely popular video formats in their own right, but MP4 probably pips MOV due to the fact that it tends to compatible with more types of platforms. In contrast to MP4, MOV was developed by Apple and is the go-to video format for QuickTime and pretty much all of Apple’s devices. Unfortunately while it can be played on other platforms, users may be forced to download QuickTime or in some cases track down another type of specialized media player to do so. In short, if you want to share video files with people who …
Read More »3 High Quality Design Resource (FREE Download)
Whether you are a professional designer or a newbie, designing a user interface is one of the biggest challenges in any web application or mobile app. But, if there is a great time saving and easy solution for UI design, then why start from scratch each time. Yes, I am saying about “pre-made UI kits” that offers an easy way to design user interface for any mobile app or web application. These UI kits are a great source of inspiration and can really cut down your valuable designing time. Free Android Material Design UI PSD You may already be familiar …
Read More »6 Infographics To Help You Become A Better Graphic Designer
You became a designer because you had a talent that you wanted to use. Maybe you love creating illustrations, helping corporations find their identity, or promoting worthy causes with print designs. What it boils down to is that designers are people who are passionate about creativity … and want to get paid for it. But design isn’t always the easiest career in the world. It can become a maze of what-should-I-do’s and how-did-I-get-here’s. From landing your dream job to dealing with difficult clients, you’ll hit a few bumps along the way. Fortunately, you can prepare yourself. These infographics will teach …
Read More »How the NFL Uses Great Web Design to Improve User Experience
Great web design is essential for connecting with your clients and expanding your brand. Leave it to the NFL to show the rest of us how it’s done. The league’s teams depend on community involvement and drumming up excitement for their games, and their websites all reflect that. Businesses that are trying to build their customer base and promote brand loyalty (which should be all businesses) can really learn a thing or two from the NFL. Here are a few ways that the NFL and its teams are using great web design to improve the user experience: Exciting, Vibrant Design …
Read More »Best Business WordPress Theme
How to Manage an Online Business: The effective management is vital to the success of an online business. Haphazard and jumbled content will only confuse the visitors rather than attracting or motivating them. Let’s now switch to the question, “How to manage an online business”. To put it in simple words, it is not a cup of tea for everybody. You have to endeavor and strive for it earnestly. However, the web developers are struggling to bring maximum possible comfort in your work. Some very important tools have already been created and are available in the form of exceptionally powerful …
Read More »Simple yet Important Tips for Keeping the Computers in your Business Secure
Regardless of the size of your business, ensuring that each computer that is used is secure and has a strong defense against potential hackers is really important to prevent security breaches on your software or data. Sometimes it’s good to go back to the basics or employing security strategies and measures that are surprisingly simple. We’ve listed some straightforward tips for keeping the computers in your business secure. Choose strong passwords One of the most simplest tips around, yet some people still have obvious or standard passwords to access their most private things on their computer and online. Encourage your …
Read More »Precautions You Must Take while Changing Your WordPress Theme
As a Website owner, you want to customize your website to reflect the actual image of your company and also stand out unique from their close competitors. With the use of WordPress themes, you can create the outer design of your site. The WP theme can completely change the visual appearance of your site. Usually, a WordPress theme provides a graphical interface through templates files. You can find various types and styles of themes in the WP theme directory. If you are using the WordPress themes, then you need to take care of certain elements of your site. It is …
Read More »33 Free High Quality Blur Backgrounds
When it comes to designing typography, it is very important to consider how the typesetting stand out. This can be achieved with the right use of colors and font… and background. Using a plain color as a background to our typography will do the trick as long as we choose the proper color that will make the text stands out, also there are those blurred background that will help your design to pop more and it will add also depth of field to the design. We want to share with you these high quality blurred photos of nature for free. …
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