7 Reasons Why Logo Design Is Helpful For Your Business Growth

When it comes to designing a logo, many neglect the fact of a need for a logo. A little voice is whispering behind in the mind, telling you to move ahead without a logo.

You simply concentrate on building a good website and then move ahead. Isn’t it?

This is not only a case with you but a common case with many business owners. The fact is they don’t understand the power of a logo.

Logo plays a vital role in the growth of a business. It is a logo that provides a unique identity to a business. This is the reason why you need to hire a logo design company. You are required to hire one of the best logo design company for your business.

It doesn’t matter whether you hire a logo design agency in Dubai, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Austin, or any other part of the world. They all have a single work in hand and that is to design a simple and effective logo for your business.

Well, if still, you are wondering about the power of a logo. Here are 7 reasons why logo design is helpful for your business growth.

  1. Unique identity: A logo provides your brand with a unique identity. It is the foundation of your brand identity. It is the symbol that is going to make you stand apart from your competitors.When it comes to branding, it is all about telling a story to your customers. This story will influence the emotions of the customers. As a result, you will get a trusted customer base for your brand. A logo plays a crucial role in telling a story. It visually reveals the history of your brand. It reveals your customers, what your brand is all about, and what they can expect from your brand in the future.

    A logo is part of your company’s brand. It is the foundation of your brand identity. The colors, tones, fonts, etc play a major role in attracting customers. A simple and effective logo is easy to remember. It is easy to identify and to relate a unique logo with a brand.

    When your brand’s logo is found on your letterheads, business cards, landing pages, etc, it makes your brand unique. It becomes a symbol of quality and trust on which a customer can easily rely on.

  2. Grabs attention: Haven’t you face a situation when you are walking along the road and suddenly a car passes by.  Although you are accompanied by a lot of thoughts that are running in your mind, you just able to get a slight glance at the “Spirit of Ecstasy”.Now, what does it mean?

    What does your mind suggest to you?

    Obviously, you immediately recognize that a Rolls-Royce passes by. Then you immediately turn your head around to see the car.

    This is the power of a Logo. This is what they are designed for.

    The thing is attention spans are becoming shorter day by day. The hectic schedule has forced people to get busy in their own life. As a result, it is becoming difficult for brands to visually show their presence to their audience.

    On an average basis, a brand has about 2 seconds to convince potential customers about buying a product or services. This means you are required to have some eye-catchy things that can easily draw the attention of the audience towards your brand.

    Under these circumstances what can be better than a logo. A logo is essential to grab a viewer’s attention thus communicating the core values of a company in an interesting and effective way.

    A logo can not only help you in grabbing the attention of audiences, but it also creates a feeling of trust in the mind of the user for your brand. As a result, this attention can possibly end with a sale.

  3. Memorable: You must have seen a “Swoosh” on Nike products. Don’t you?Now suppose that you have seen it for the first time. Now the time passes by and you caught a glance of the same logo.

    Will, you able to recognize it and relate it with Nike?

    Obviously! But why?

    Because the logo is simple and memorable. Once you saw it, it is difficult to wipe it off from your brain.

    This is the visual power. This is not only a case with Swoosh, but there are many other logos that are memorable.

    Logos are one of the crucial points of identification. They are the symbols that customers use to get to your brand. They are the symbols that make you recognizable. Logos immediately connect the audience to your brand. They instantly help a customer to recall your brand history.

    It makes them feel secure to go with your brand as they carry a connection with your brand through the logo. A logo triggers a pleasing effect. It riggers a positive recall of your brand. It recalls the experience that the customers had when they buy your products and comfortably used them for a long period of time.

    A customer can forget the name of your brand, but not the logo. This is the visual power that is provided to your brand in the form of a logo. It is the logo that can help your brand to mark its presence in the global business community.

  4. Solid first impression: Suppose you are walking across the road and a car passes by you. It contains four interlocked rings. You haven’t seen those rings before. The first impression of those rings is so strongly embedded into your mind that you take out your phone and start searching out for that logo. Once you start searching for that logo, you find a link. On clicking that links you directly land on the Audi website.Then you begin searching more about the brand and go for reviews. This action can generate interest in your mind to purchase your next car in the form of Audi. After some time if the budget warrants, you will go for buying an Audi.

    Have you noticed the process?

    There was a time when you don’t have an idea about the brand. Once you saw it, a powerful impact created within your mind. This impact was so powerful that you spend a lot of time in research for the same. With more and more time you spend on getting the history of the logo. More you feel attraction for a brand. With the passage of the time, Audi becomes your next dream car that finally ends up with a purchase from your side and another sale from a brand.

    This is the power of the first impression. A logo is a brand’s first introduction to the audience. If utter care is taken while designing a logo, it can pique the interest of the audience towards your brand. This is why focus is laid on hiring the best logo design company. It all depends upon a logo design company. Better the logo design company effective logo it provides to you.

    It means a solid first impression in the mind of the audience. This means more sales for you. More sales mean more growth on a global level.

  5. Makes you stand apart from the competition: A logo not only provides your brand with an identity, but it also helps it to distinguish your brand from others. Every brand has its own logo that makes it easily recognizable from competitors.A logo tells your consumers that you are unique. The products and services that are offered by you are better than your competitors.

    A well-designed logo conveys the values of the brand. It conveys a clear message to your customers that you are a bit different and more trustable as compared to your competitors. This factor motivates the audience to buy your products and services as compared to your competitors.

    A well-designed brand logo communicates the history and background of a company. It is a symbol of fun shopping with that brand. Its all about innovation that keeps you apart from your competitors.

    But still, there are some brands that try to copy logos of other brands. They think that they can easily save money by doing this. It not only decreases the reputation of a new brand in the market but also makes a former brand more famous.

    Below is an example of such a brand.

  6. Facilitates brand loyalty: Once your brand starts growing, your logo starts becoming more familiar to a wide range of audiences around the world. The benefit of this familiarity directly starts looking in the form of trust and loyalty. People start believing in your brand. They start looking at your product and services as better quality products.This factor helps to earn more sales from customers. More sales mean more popularity. This means you will start earning more profit. You can use this factor to your advantage and can easily launch your brand on a global level.

    Haven’t you seen a logo of some famous sports brand and you start looking for a suitable size rather than looking for quality or material of a product. Yes, we are talking about a logo of Reebok.

    Not only Reebok but you can take any famous sports brand. This is the power of a logo. A brand is known by the logo it carries. A logo is a symbol of trust that helps in generating loyalty among the audience for your brand.

    Once this trust is generated. It doesn’t matter that your competitors are providing a bit better quality at the same price or even at a lesser price. Your customers are not going to leave you easily to your competitors.

  7. Free advertising: A logo provides you with free advertising. A logo can be placed on various marketing platforms. It can be placed on packaging, products, social media, website, transport vehicles, employee t-shirts, etc. it can also be placed in different places in the brand’s head office and other branches throughout the world.One of the biggest advantages of using a logo on these places is, it will become a source of free advertising. It provides you with a consistent message on various channels. This will help you in circulating your brand’s message in the easiest possible way.

    The thing is once your brand’s logo starts becoming visible to a massive audience, it will start earning the pride. Your customers will start feeling proud of using your product and services. Your employees will start feeling proud of working for you.

    Not only this, but your brand will start gaining free promotion on various social media platforms. Your customers will start sharing your posts, they will start tweeting in favor of your brand. They will be motivated to share your links. They will provide you a lead through free advocacy.

    Isn’t it enough for a logo to take your brand on a global level?

    If yes, then why not to design a unique and simple logo for your brand.

Conclusion: When it comes to designing a logo, several factors are taken into account. A logo design company goes for a deep survey and then comes up with a unique and simple logo. This logo not only represents your brand but also carries the history of the brand. These traits not only provide your brand with a unique identity but becomes a symbol of loyalty.

This brings more sales and helps your brand with global recognition. It means you can use a logo to grow your business on a global scale, provided you continuously put the effort into increasing the quality of products and the trust of the audience.

Author Bio: Brandingby8 is one of the leading logo design agency in Dubai. It provides you with unique and innovative logo designs that are capable enough to mark their presence in the market

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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