300+ Free Minimal Icons for Web Design

One of the most important element of a stunning and appealing web design is the icon being used, this design element help the user to quickly convey a communication with the design.  Most users are visually attracted to the content by the help of proper icon usage. It is also an important element where in it neutralize a certain part of a website that usually contains only text and paragraph, they are sometimes used as a bullet and text replacement to visually identify a part of the website.

Today, we have compiled FRESH 300+ minimal icons for your next web design project. Remember to check the license from the source website before using them to commercial purposes.

 Minimalistica Red Icon Set

Minimalistica Icon Set

Minimalistica Red Part 2 Icon Set

Minimalistica Part 2 Icon Set

I am Samith Jhon a content writer and a Professional Blogger.  I am certified with E20-597 examwhich is very popular these days and have a great scope in the field of IT Certification. I always like to take certification exams and now I have planned to pass E20-594 exam. These kinds of exams could secure your future as well as your job.

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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