15 Creative CD and DVD Sleeve and Sticker Template Designs

In every business, promotional tools and ideas are very important. In such cases like publishing a new song of a certain singer or band, the (or their) music is not the only thing that matters. In order to have a successful promotion, the CD sleeve and sticker design must also be something special to the eyes of the public or the fans, because this will reflect the content of that CD. The CD sleeve and sticker design contemplates the impression and the character of that music inside it. It can be something that affects its future position to the liking of the fans – whether they will appreciate and buy it or most of them will just ignore it and that “new” song dies instantly.

In creating these promotional tools, they must always fit with its content, must always be in appropriate mode and simply, they must be eye-catching. Even if there’s a phrase that says, “Don’t judge the book by its cover”. That can be disregarded by many. In any kind of business, first impression defines whether it will be a success or not. So, in order to achieve successful campaign in selling CDs, create something that is relevant and something that can produce strong liking effect or vivid impression to the public, and in order to do that, you may want to use  these creative CD sleeve and sticker designs presented below as your starting point. Go ahed and pick one.

Greenex Creative CD Sleeve & Sticker

Socialidea Creative Social Media CD Packaging

NeoSoft_CD Sleeve/Label & Sticker

NeoBiz Creative CD Sleeve & Sticker

SeoMac_CD Sleeve/Label & Sticker

NeoMan_CD Sleeve/Label & Sticker

Maxde Clean CD Sleeve & Sticker

Presentica CD Sleeve & Sticker

Socialika Social Media CD Sleeve & Sticker

Tech Breaks CD Artwork PSD Template

Promotional Arsenal CD Cover Artwork Bundle 17

Prophetic Word CD Cover Artwork Template

Visions CD Cover Artwork Template

Prom DVD Covers

Disc Artwork – Liquid

Cd – Album Cover – Digi pack Version

About Mars Cureg

Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard.

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One comment

  1. nice collection! Thought-invoking and helpful. Thanks for these!